3D printed Werewolf statue

Personalized hand-painted figure. Dimensions: 38 x 25 x 20 centimeters. Consists of two parts. With RGB lights, able to change colors automatically and controlled by an app. With two different head pieces included.


Throughout life, the story of the Werewolf is a tragic tale: someone condemned to mutate on each full moon against his will, turning into a horrifying beast. It was a powerful myth that was used in the movies, comics and videogames. In Grail 3d, we also had to take advantage of it with this frightening Werewolf statue.

The two heads lets us capture all the dramatism in the transformation, but we also needed a baleful moon triggering the event and a skyscraper to place the scene. Both form a different piece and are illuminated with RGB lights. The result is a disturbing atmosphere and a creature that generates terror and pity at the same time. Well, no: it’s more like terror!


Unpainted, Painted

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